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Savings Balances Report

The Savings Balances Report displays clients' savings balances at a specified reporting date. It has 2 tabs, i.e., Savings Balances Report and the Group Member's Savings Balances report tabs.

How to view the Savings Balances Report

To view the savings balances report you go to Savings->Savings Reports->Savings Balances Report. A screen will appear looking as follows:

Note that running the Savings balances report with a range that includes negative balances entered under the feature "Balances between" e.g between "-50,000 to 0" should give the same results as “Overdraft balances report for the same range under Savings\Overdrafts\ Overdraft balances report.

There are various options to select from basing on the details one wants include in the savings balances report, e.g., displaying savings balances for:

Example: Let's look at some of the reports generated when the option "All Accounts" is selected for the type of savings balances report. When you look at the report below; a client KA/I/000001 has 3 savings products (i.e., S000, S002, T000) on which he has savings of 58,323,000, 1,700,000 and 1,000,000 respectively.

In the report each account holder's savings balances are shown as per savings products held. The total for all the savings accounts are also shown at the bottom of the page.

For example, if Kijambu Bridget has savings of 2,000,000 on Free Savings and 4,100,000 on Loan Guarantee Savings. When this option is selected, Kijambu Bridget will have a savings balance of 6,100,000 (one block figure that is not split) displayed in the Savings Balances Report as shown below:

From the report above: Kijambu Bridget's account shows 6,100,000 as the savings amount. This means that all the savings balances made under various savings products held have been consolidated (Summed up).

The savings balance report can also be filtered using the options:

These can further be filtered using the options:

These can further be filtered using the options:

These can further be filtered using options:

  • Enabled products only
  • Disabled products only
  • All products.
  • These can further be filtered using options:

    Select any other required additional options or use the default selections. For additional information on these options you can refer to Savings Report Formats.

    Click on the OK command button to view the report which will look similar to the following:

    Click on the Close button to exit the menu.

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